
Day by Day

So, the agency we are attempting to work with has made a commitment to us.  They scheduled two weekends in August in the nearby Big City - the 12/13thth and 26th/27th.  They said if we commit to coming, they'll commit to hold the classes no matter what.

We put in the request for Ben's days off and have committed to trying to take the classes then.  While two months, to most people, doesn't seem like much - for us this seems like a really long delay.  But we will sit and trust that this is the perfect timing that we know God is capable of.


Twists and Turns

Well, there are (it seems) a lot of times where life sure doesn't work out the way we plan.

The classes we were supposed to take in the weekend version with the agency we have been looking into were cancelled due to low enrollment.  So, instead of experiencing several hours of adoption classes this weekend, we are home and experiencing a lot of questions.

The Lord is gracious - we don't feel angry, frustrated, or upset.  We really are just confused.  So many thoughts run through our minds.  We found out on Monday that they "may" be cancelled but weren't told until yesterday (Friday - first day of the class) that they were cancelled for sure.  First, I (of course) was experiencing my period starting a bit late due to prescription progesterone - but a couple days later than usual - and so here I was thinking...maybe the classes are being cancelled because I'm pregnant!!!  No such luck.  And then - all the other questions start flooding in.  Was this a closed door?  Are we not supposed to dive into getting more information?  What on earth is happening?  What do we do??

The agency has started looking into video conferencing for the classes, and the next round of 7 Tuesday classes in the Big City start August 9th (which seems years away), but they have no idea if they can be up and running by then to allow us to attend from home.  They also have weekend classes in the same format in July in Tucson, but we'll be in Canada during the first set.

So...we have no idea what's going on or where to go from here.  We'd love your prayers for discernment, wisdom, and peace.


Resources Available

Ben and I have had two really great resources through our infertility journey: a book called Hannah's Hope, and a CD recording of a Focus on the Family broadcast about infertility.  I think both express a great deal of our hearts and minds.

If any of you who are close to us have any interest in reading or listening, we will be more than happy to lend our copies or buy you your own.  We know that there's often lots of questions, or lots of discomfort when it comes to discussing this journey, or even walking it with us.  But I think these two things are able to express SO much about this journey that I just felt so validated listening and reading - seeing or hearing my own emotions there on paper (or on CD).  Particularly, the book has, at the end of each chapter, a section called "Burden Bearers" designed specifically for those who know a loved one experiencing infertility.  But, the whole book is just great.

Anyhow - enough about that.  But the resources are available if you want!  Just let me know!