But, yesterday, my left eye started twitching. And I started thinking about all the times in recent years when I got weird, random twitches. Sometimes an eye, sometimes my fingers, sometimes a quad. And then I thought about a very dear friend of mine who managed to have an eye twitch for weeks because of stress at work. And every time this friend gets the smallest of twitches - we always joke about work stress. Here's what Wikipedia says about physiological twitches:
Muscle contraction
and relaxation
Convulsion, rapid and repeated muscle contraction
and relaxation, resulting in uncontrolled shaking
Fasciculation, a small, local, involuntary muscle
Myoclonic twitch, a jerk usually caused by sudden
muscle contractions
Myokymia, a continuous, involuntary muscle twitch
that affects the muscles of the face, particularly the eyelids
a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle, group of muscles, hollow organ,
or orifice
an involuntary, repetitive, nonrhythmic movement or vocalization of sudden
onset and involving discrete muscle groups
Tremor, an involuntary, repetitive, somewhat rhythmic, muscle
contraction and relaxation
Anyway. That's what my brain decided to talk about today. Nothing of real substance. Nothing that really has anything to do with anything. :)