I mentioned in a lot of my posts, as we were preparing to adopt, that the infertility struggle will be a part of our forever story. And now I really know it's true. I cannot be clear enough that God mightily answered our prayers by gifting us with Nora. And I could not be more thrilled to be a mom! (more on that later) It's the very role I've been desiring for over three years, and He filled my arms and we are SO grateful. That's really an understatement. It's like saying I'm grateful for the Cross. Um, duh. And words just can't express that.
But...there is still infertility in our life. There are real moments where we wonder if Nora will be an only child. And that is SO not the plan we had. There are real moments of hope that someday God might open my womb and bless us with a biological child. There are real moments of fear when I acknowledge that may NEVER happen. There are real moments where I wonder if I have the strength to adopt again. Ben would do it in a heartbeat. I think he inherited that mystical amnesia that mothers who go through labor get (I've heard, anyway) - where the pain of the adoption and the unknown of those terrifying two weeks has disappeared from his mind. But I haven't forgotten - those moments are still very new and fresh in my mind and heart. Others who have adopted and have really smooth stories, where doubt never really crept in, and papers were signed the moment they were able to be, have given me those encouraging stories. But my heart isn't ready for it again...and I don't know if it ever will be. Not to mention the financial aspect. Who knows if God will bless us to be financially able to do it again?
There's also been recent occasion for God to reveal to me that there are infertility wounds that have not healed. With the adoption process, my heart and mind was so focused on that road and each next step - and of course, with the arrival of Nora - infertility had really left me alone for a while. And now, I'm a mother!!! My prayers and dreams have come true in a really incredible story. For real - and the number of people that prayed with us and for us through this journey have SEEN GOD'S GLORY. Praise Jesus!
But - there are still wounds. They're different now - it's not remotely the same pain as the height of infertility. But a friend of mine recently gave me the metaphor of a scab. It's a wound that has healed over (absolutely true in the midst of the adoption and with the arrival of Nora). But - one slight pick at that scab, and the wound feels fresh again. What an accurate description. I realized that I haven't grieved through the aches I have to be able to pee on a stick and see a positive result. To have that incredibly traditional moment when I get to tell my husband we're pregnant. To have the experience of telling family and friends in a really fun & exciting way. Yes, we got to announce we were expecting through adoption, and we got to announce that Nora's birthmom chose us. But everything is SO different through adoption. The uncertainty and waiting just isn't the same, and one-time big announcements just aren't possible. Baby showers - not the same. Birth certificate - not the same. First moments after birth - not the same. And there are moments where I feel guilty that these things still hurt. Because God answered my prayers, right? Nora is ours and I'm a mother. So what's the problem? Well, the problem is that I've still got a scab. And that scab hasn't scarred over yet and maybe never will.
But (and here's the really great but) - I know that the same God who walked with me through the last three and a half years will keep walking with me. And will speak quietly to me in those painful moments. And will help my heart be at peace with whatever the rest of our journey, the rest of our family will look like.
So - that's the honest truth. :) And here's my beautiful daughter. Because again - none of this changes the JOY and GRATITUDE we have for the way God has grown our family, and the chance to be Nora's parents.
Adoption, Continued
So...adoption. :)
There is so much to say that it's hard to know where to start...which is probably why I've been procrastinating all this time! Here's a few highlights:
There is so much to say that it's hard to know where to start...which is probably why I've been procrastinating all this time! Here's a few highlights:
- It's been strange that Nora looks enough like Ben & me that we've really managed to avoid a lot of the weird adoption comments that the books prepare us for. For example: "How much did she cost? Where are her real parents?", etc.
- Showing up at church with a baby is weird. Lots of odd looks - lots of "I didn't even know you were pregnant!" comments.
- I never thought I could be so in love with someone so tiny, so immediately.
- Oh yes, there's still paperwork and agency stuff to be done. We've already had a couple visits with the agency workers and there's still more to come as we work toward our final day in court.
- Our relationship with Nora's birthmother and her parents has, so far, been great!
So, what about the good stuff? Well...for starters...it's amazing to know that we've walked the exact road that God wanted us to be on. All the really hard stuff = totally worth it. I know everyone says that along the journey, but it's incredible to actually experience truth in that. However, I don't want to downplay the hard parts either. The 17 days that we knew Nora, when she was in our home for 14 of those days before the papers were signed...we fell head over heels in love with her. She was ours - we cared for her, we fed her, diapered her, we knew her deeply in the middle of the night, and snuggled her like crazy. But yet - she wasn't ours. Her birthmom really, really struggled with the reality of her decision and it took much longer than usual for her to sign the papers. Ben & I wondered if every moment would be our last with Nora. It was torture, even though in each of those moments we prayed for the strength to love her and her birthmom NO MATTER WHAT. But in those tiny seconds when I allowed myself to consider the possible reality of relinquishing our daughter - I could not function. I couldn't do it. We prayed through so many Psalms every night as we went to bed and I cried out to Jesus to give me the faith to believe I would praise him no matter what. But it was a period of time where I hardly ate, and I hardly smiled. This is the dark side of adoption. The loss and grief that will happen regardless of the situation - the birthfamily and adoptive family will have its own version no matter the details. And yet it's all for the glory of God. And the glory of the beautiful child, who everyone loves so very much and we all are trying to make the best decisions for.
Anyway...there's more...but I'll get to it later. I want to close by ensuring I state that there is SO MUCH JOY in adoption. There is so much joy in the Father answering our prayers and placing our daughter (OUR DAUGHTER!) in our arms. I will never gloss over the difficulties in both the infertility and adoption journeys, but I will also never hide how gracious HE is and what it's like to feel our dreams come true in this perfect little girl.
Anyway...there's more...but I'll get to it later. I want to close by ensuring I state that there is SO MUCH JOY in adoption. There is so much joy in the Father answering our prayers and placing our daughter (OUR DAUGHTER!) in our arms. I will never gloss over the difficulties in both the infertility and adoption journeys, but I will also never hide how gracious HE is and what it's like to feel our dreams come true in this perfect little girl.
Okay, so I've been procrastinating writing the serious side of our adoption. :) In the meantime...here's some pictures of rare crafty inspired activity in my house!
Before picture of the nursery hamper. It was an old one we had lying around but weren't using! |
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Re-done! I spray painted it white and dyed the fabric liner brown. Sorry for the different lighting! |
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All done! |
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