
Mommy Song

There's a song I just can't help but share - it makes me cry every time I listen and it's just so close to my heart right now!  JJ Heller is an incredible, folksy, Christian artist who is local to AZ and actually got her start in Young Life camps.  She and her husband are the most wonderful duo to see in concert, and it warms my heart to know how the Lord has blessed her with music!  Listen here.
*Update - When I hold Nora, play this song, and sing to her - she is magically still.  No wiggling.  Just listening.  It's the sweetest thing EVER.

When I'm With You
JJ Heller
When I hold you in my arms, Love
Something changes
It's the strangest feeling
The things that used to matter
They don't matter to me
When I see you
And you're smiling
How my heart aches
So full it is about to break
You make me believe in love

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you

When I hear you, and you're crying
It resonates, Dear
In a place I didn't know was there
You make me believe in love

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you

Beautiful baby
You're sweeter than strawberry pie
Just like the morning
Your smile brings the sunshine

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you


Em said...

Lovely song. Thanks for sharing. Have you heard "You Cannot Lose My Love" by Sara Groves? This was my "nursing song" with Harriet. It's one that goes way, way deep down into my heart.

Jenny S said...

I hadn't heard that one! It's wonderful!

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