

Sadness. Unbelievable pain. Fear. Utter heartbreak. Frustration. These are the feelings of another failed cycle. Ben and I will be continuing on this horrific journey. I think it's mostly hard to put into words what this really feels like. Yes, I can list off the words above, and though they are all so true and applicable, they just don't quite express my heart right now. I'm not sure if this is something one can understand without having been through it themselves. And while I don't wish this pain on anyone for any reason, I do feel like it might sometimes be nice to have someone near me (physically) who can understand or to relate.

I have been wanting to share a couple of resources I found at a wonderful Christian based infertility support forum. These are things that I thought might be useful to our loved ones who want to offer support. The first is simply a list of suggestions on how to help: http://sail.heritage-umc.org/html/helping_a_loved__one_with_infe.html.

This one is a poignant video. While we may not identify with everything, I felt that this video helps to reflect what our journey, our life is like while dealing with infertility: http://www.tearsandhope.com/.

I don't mean to be pushy with these things. It's just very difficult to express my heart about this journey. We don't often bring it up, because we know it's hard for others to understand and handle. We know that it's a depressing subject (believe me, we know). We never want to impose on others' good news with our difficulties, and I really feel that we actually do a great job of this. I think sometimes I'm scared that others ignore what we are going through because it's an uncomfortable situation, and events in others' lives do affect us in ways most can't imagine. But that doesn't mean we don't want to know, or that we can't celebrate with others. In fact, it's usually more painful to have others pretend like nothing is happening. Because it's natural to want to feel supported. But I think these resources explain most of this better than I can.

We are taking some time "off" so to speak so that we have time to investigate what doctors and resources we have here in town, and which places in the big city might be a good match for our needs. We do pray that something will work out, especially financially. We always covet and appreciate your prayers. Please let me know if you have any questions at all.

With Love,


Val said...

Oh dear Jenny. I feel for you. I am so so sorry. Like you said, words are words and can't really express emotion. I wish I knew what to say and what to do to really help. I will look at those links. I love you so much and know that even though this journey may be harder than you can bear at times, you are touching lives. You are courageous. Is adopting a possibility, or not? I don't really know your feelings on that? I know that that is no solution... I was just wondering. I love you my dear. Let me know if I can do ANYTHING... I know I am so far away...but you are always in my thoughts and prayers!

Lisa said...

I think horrific journey is a perfect way to describe it...God has us here for a reason, I just don't understand it sometimes...OK, most of the time. I also agree that I wouldn't want anyone to ever have to experennce what we have been through but I do wish they could somehow UNDERSTAND. There is just no way to help them understand and that's so frustrating. But, that is what the blogging community is for. I can't be there physically but I am sending my hugs from far away! Continuing to pray...

Kierra said...

Oh, Jenny. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you have to go through this heartbreak again. I really do keep you guys in my prayers. Are you going to be able to stay on the clomid? This was only cycle 2, right?

Take time to regather, but don't lose hope. I am sending virtual hugs, and wish I could be there next to you. Here's my favorite scripture, which came to my thoughts for you: "Fear not, little flock, do good. Let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail." (D&C 6:34) The Lord loves you and knows your pain. Let His arms encircle you, and know you have friends who sorrow in your sorrows, and keep you in our prayers, and love you.

Jill said...

Jenny, I'm so sorry. I know how important this cycle was to you and I know how much you have going on in your life right now. I also know that I can't understand but I am here for you and praying for you and Ben in this journey.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jenny,
Thank you for sharing your journey. I also just started a blog recently and found yours through Lisa's.I am so sorry about this cycle. I am so encouraged by the amazing women of faith that I am finding through this blogging stuff. I hope you are sensing God's comfort and peace today.

Unknown said...

Jenny, I am catching up to your blog today, and I love you. I am actually very thankful for the resources you left on this post. I want to support you and show you love, and that was helpful so I know how to encourage you more and not do something stupid. You're great:).

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