
Not quite ready...

So, follow up ultrasound was this morning. Dr. L found four good follicles (not bad)...but... They are measuring 5.6 mm and he requires they be a minimum of 6. And, unfortunately, my lining is pretty thin. I have a short luteal phase (LP), so I normally don't ovulate until around (on average) cycle day 15 (today is 12). So, he scheduled me a follow up ultrasound for Friday at 8:00AM if I haven't gotten a positive OPK (ovulation predictor kit) before then.

The ultra cool God thing through all these procedures is that we are friends with one of Dr. L's very good friends through church, and Ben works at the hospital where Dr. L practices. Insurance covers NOTHING infertility related for us. However, Dr. L, because of our friendship and Ben's employment at the hospital, he is VERY generously is waiving the costs of the ultrasounds and is only charging us for the actual IUIs, at a discounted price no less. The only other thing we are paying for is all the medications. Also, Ben was able to go to both ultrasounds with me so far. It most definitely feels like the Lord is helping pave the way for us to go through this part of the process.

Anyhow, that was meant to be a short update. Alas.


Lisa said...

That is awesome about him cutting the costs for you guys! What an absolute blessing!!

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